Your go-to resource
for Workforce Development
PWDA focuses on policy that impacts Pennsylvania workers.
Planning for the future of PA workforce development.
We strive to form mutually-beneficial partnerships that help us achieve together.
Upcoming Events
Between in-person events and virtual learning series, PWDA offers several different opportunities for education and training. PWDA members always receive special pricing.
All PWDA members receive special discounted rates for events, virtual learnings, and trainings.
[Local Workforce Board and System Contractors & Sub-Contractors]
- Council & Workgroup Appointment
- Membership Portal
- Membership Directory
- PWDA Communities of Practice
- PWDA Forums
- Legislative Member Profile (one)
- Technical Assistance
- Promotional Communications
[Education & Training Institutions, Community & Economic Development, Vendors, Consultants, etc.]
- Council & Workgroup Appointment (available as ad-hoc)
- Membership Portal
- Membership Directory
- Promotional Communications
[Individual Workforce Development Professionals]
- Council & Workgroup Appointment (available as ad-hoc)
- Membership Portal
- Membership Directory
- Individual Affiliation for Credentialing